Higashiagatsuma Town, Gunma群馬県東吾妻町

Living in Higashiagatsuma Town, Gunma

Agatsuma Gorge

We have Summarized the livability of Higashiagatsuma Town, Gunma.

What kind of place is Higashiagatsuma Town, Gunma?

Iwai Water Park

Higashiagatsuma-machi: a town blessed with beautiful flowers

East Agatsuma Town is located in the northwestern part of Gunma Prefecture, within the Agatsuma region. It is bordered to the north by Nakanojo Town, to the west by Naganohara Town, to the east by Shibukawa City, and to the south by Takasaki City, featuring a landscape of mountains over 1,000 meters high, such as Mount Iwabitsu and Mount Asama. The population is approximately 12,000, with about 5,100 households (as of October 2020). This area is characterized by a balance of rich nature and a comfortable living environment due to its proximity to flourishing regions in Gunma Prefecture.

East Agatsuma Town was formed in 2006 through the merger of Agatsuma Town and Higashi Village, making it a relatively new administrative area. However, both regions have long-standing traditional histories. The Iwashima district, in particular, is known for its production of hemp, with “Iwashima hemp” being famous for its high quality, historically even presented to the Imperial Family.

East Agatsuma Town is renowned as one of Japan’s top locations for trumpet daffodils. In April, the town is adorned with blooming daffodils, and the Iwai Shinsui Park, a tourist spot in Agatsuma, hosts the East Agatsuma Daffodil Festival in early April, showcasing around 300,000 trumpet daffodils in full bloom.

Transportation is also convenient, as the JR Agatsuma Line runs through the area, providing good access to Maebashi City and Takasaki City. Additionally, bus services such as Kan-Etsu Kotsu and the Takayama Bus provide convenient transportation, ensuring no inconvenience for daily needs. With abundant nature and famous mountains nearby, residents can enjoy a rich life surrounded by nature without difficulties in daily shopping.

PR video of Higashiagatsuma Town, Gunma

Awakening of Higashiagazuma

Higashiagatsuma Town Spring

Higashiagatsuma Town Summer

Higashiagatsuma Town Autumn

How is the traffic situation in Higashiagatsuma Town?

Gunma Haramachi Station

Higashiagatsuma-machi is a town with many stations and roads, making it convenient to get to by train or car.

East Agatsuma Town is served by the JR Agatsuma Line. There are four stations on this line: Gunma Haramachi Station, Gunma Haramachi Station, Go-Hara Station, and Yagura Station. The line runs along the northeastern border of East Agatsuma Town, making it convenient to use stations in Nakanojo Town and Shibukawa City as well, which enhances the overall accessibility by train.

Traditionally, various bus companies operated routes in East Agatsuma Town. However, due to a declining population, many of these companies withdrew as the operations became unprofitable. In response, the local community now operates a community bus service aimed at those without other means of transportation. Unlike standard bus routes, these services are structured with residents’ convenience in mind, offering detailed and flexible operations. Some routes even connect to Takasaki City and Shibukawa City, making the East Agatsuma Town bus routes actively utilized.

The main roads in East Agatsuma Town include National Route 145, which runs through the center of the town from Nakanojo Town, and National Route 406, which traverses the mountainous area from the south near Takasaki City. Both routes are heavily trafficked as they connect to Kusatsu and Nagano areas.

  • There is also a train line, making it easy to access neighboring areas by train or car.

  • As trains run infrequently, it is more convenient to travel by car.

  • How are the rent and land prices in Higashiagatsuma Town?

    Higashi-Azuma Town from the top of Mt. Iwabitsu

    Higashiagatsumacho is a town recommended for those considering custom-built homes, with comfortable living and low land prices.

    As of September 2022, the average rent for apartments and condominiums in East Agatsuma Town is 54,000 yen. In this town, there are not many one-room apartments, as the area does not cater much to single residents. Typically, the standard layout is 1LDK or larger, and with a budget of 60,000 yen, you should be able to find a decent property.

    Regarding land prices in East Agatsuma Town as of September 2022, the average price is 61,000 yen per tsubo. In the Haracho area, prices range from 67,000 to 119,000 yen per tsubo, while in the Kawato area, it is 40,000 yen per tsubo, in the Iwai area, 39,000 yen per tsubo, and in the Yagura area, 27,000 yen per tsubo. Although there are places where prices exceed 100,000 yen per tsubo, generally, land is inexpensive, making this area a good choice for those looking to build a custom home with a large garden.

  • The average housing prices, including rent, are relatively low compared to areas in the central part of the prefecture, meaning that housing-related financial burdens in this area are minimal.

  • Since this is a car-oriented area, it is safer to have parking spaces or garages for two or more cars.

    How is childcare and education in Higashiagatsuma Town?

    Agatsuma River riverside town

    Higashiagatsuma Town: A town that actively supports child-rearing

    East Agatsuma Town has two nursery schools, five kindergartens, five elementary schools, and one junior high school, but no high school. For high school education, students need to attend schools in nearby areas.

    East Agatsuma Town provides a Childbirth Allowance, granting 50,000 yen for the first child, 100,000 yen for the second child, and 200,000 yen for the third and subsequent children. Additionally, the Child Medical Expense Subsidy Program is available for children up to 18 years old who are enrolled in health insurance, covering out-of-pocket costs for insured medical treatments. Unlike many other municipalities where assistance is limited to junior high school students, East Agatsuma Town offers generous support for families raising children. The Single-Parent Family Medical Expense Subsidy Program provides partial reimbursement for medical expenses based on insurance for children up to 18 years old (until March 31 following their 18th birthday) raised by single-parent families.

  • The rural landscape and natural surroundings make it a safe and relaxed environment to raise your children.

  • If children go out alone, they will need to be picked up and dropped off by car. There are areas with few street lights, so be careful when children are walking around at night.

    How about shopping in Higashiagatsuma Town?

    A-Co-op Agatsuma store

    Higashiagatsuma Town: A town with plenty of shopping options, from supermarkets to roadside stations

    In East Agatsuma Town, supermarkets like “Beisia” and “A Coop” are concentrated along National Route 145, which runs north of Gunma-Harimachi Station. Around this area, you can find drugstores, electronics retailers, clothing stores, and auto supply shops, making it the town’s central hub. You won’t have any trouble purchasing food and daily necessities here. Additionally, there are several restaurants along National Route 145, providing ample dining options.

    The Agatsuma Gorge Road Station, located in the northwest part of East Agatsuma Town, offers fresh local vegetables, specialty products, and souvenirs for sale, as well as set meals made with seasonal local vegetables and rice. This facility also features the Agatsuma Gorge Onsen, where adults can bathe for 420 yen. Furthermore, there are playgrounds with athletic equipment for children and a dog run, making it a relaxing spot not only for locals but also for tourists visiting the area.

  • Although it is a small town, there are many shopping spots so you will have no trouble buying food and daily necessities.

  • There are no large shopping malls, so if you want to enjoy shopping for fashion or miscellaneous goods, you will need to go to a nearby area.

  • How about jobs and recruitment in Higashiagatsuma Town?

    Higashiagatsuma Town: A town with a wide variety of jobs, including customer service, nursing care, and driving.

    Higashiagatsuma Town has many commercial facilities, and there are many job openings in the customer service industry.
    You can also find job openings for light work in the manufacturing industry and as a driver in the transportation industry.
    There are chicken and pig farms in the town, so you can occasionally find job openings for those jobs.

    Higashiagatsuma Town, Gunma’s unique subsidy/subsidy system

    Higashiagatsuma Town, Gunma’s unique relocation assistance and relocation subsidy system

    Higashiagatsuma Town Relocation Support Fund

    Higashiagatsuma Town, Gunma’s unique housing assistance and subsidy system

    Vacant House Bank Recruiting residents for permanent residence-promoting housing Housing Construction Loan Interest Subsidy Scheme for Employees Housing Acquisition Incentive Subsidy Program Subsidy system for new housing construction and renovation Dispatch of wooden house earthquake resistance diagnosticians Subsidy program for earthquake-proofing wooden houses Higashiagatsuma Town Subsidy for Installation of Renewable Energy Systems for Residential Use

    Higashiagatsuma Town, Gunma’s unique childcare support system

    Childbirth gift payment Childcare support grant

    Higashiagatsuma Town, Gunma’s unique system for further education and tuition assistance/subsidies

    School support Admissions/Scholarships Subsidy for English and Kanji Proficiency Test Fees Subsidies for commuting fees for high school students Long-distance commuting subsidies/Special needs school student attendance support
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