Nakanojou Town, Gunma群馬県中之条町

Living in Nakanojou Town, Gunma

Shima Onsen

We have Summarized the livability of Nakanojou Town, Gunma.

What kind of place is Nakanojou Town, Gunma?

Lake Okushima

The town of Nakanojo, a central hub of Agatsuma District, bordering Nagano and Niigata Prefectures.

Nakanojo Town, Gunma Prefecture, is located in the northwest of Gunma Prefecture and belongs to Agatsuma District.
It is surrounded by Kusatsu Town and Naganohara Town to the west, Higashiagatsuma Town and Shibukawa City to the south, Takayama Village and Minakami Town to the east, and Yamanouchi Town, Sakae Village, and Yuzawa Town to Niigata Prefecture to the north, making it a town on the border between Gunma Prefecture, Nagano Prefecture, and Niigata Prefecture.
There are many villages and towns in Agatsuma District, but Nakanojo Town plays a central role and is characterized by its population of 15,000, making it the most populous area in Agatsuma District.

The area around Nakanojo Town in Gunma Prefecture is characterised by mountains over 1000m high, which make up the majority of the town area.
As a result, the town is rich in nature, with the Agatsuma River and Shima River flowing through it, and many people come to enjoy sightseeing and leisure activities, such as stream fishing.
There are also plenty of resort facilities that make use of the natural surroundings, and Shima Onsen in particular has been designated a national hot spring resort and is famous throughout the country.

Nakanojo Town: A town that is attracting attention as a place to move to

Nakanojo Town in Gunma Prefecture is famous for having produced many famous people, including former Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi and his daughter Yuko Obuchi.
It also has a huge influence on national politics, and although it is a rural area rich in nature, the city center is relatively active and plays a central role in various parts of Agatsuma County.
As a result, it has a relatively large population and good transportation access, making it a comfortable area to move to from the city center. At one time, the population declined rapidly, but in recent years, the number of people moving there has increased, and the population trend is now gradually decreasing.

PR video of Nakanojou Town, Gunma

4K Rokugo ① “Nakanojo Town Rokugo – Spring/Summer Edition”

4K Rokugo② “Nakanojo Town Rokugo – Autumn Edition”

How is the traffic situation in Nakanojou Town?

Nakanojo Station

Nakanojo Town is about two hours away from downtown Tokyo and has a well-developed transportation network with neighboring areas.

Nakanojo Town, Gunma Prefecture, is a mountainous area located in the northwest of Gunma Prefecture. As a result, it was previously an area with very poor transportation access, but now it is characterized by an environment that is easy for tourists to visit to enjoy leisure activities.
The JR Agatsuma Line runs through the town, and Nakanojo Station is the first station.
It takes about an hour to get from Nakanojo Station to Takasaki Station by changing at Shin-Maebashi.
The JR Kusatsu Limited Express runs 2-3 times a day, and it is very convenient as it takes about 2 hours to get to Ueno Station without changing trains.
Nakanojo Station is a hub for tourist destinations, so it is a station with relatively many passengers.

The main roads for cars are National Route 145 and National Route 353.
National Route 145, which runs from the northeast to the southwest, is a road that runs from Numata City in the north of Gunma Prefecture towards Nagano Prefecture, while National Route 353, which runs from the northwest to the southeast, is a road that runs from Niigata Prefecture to the southern part of Gunma Prefecture. The intersection of these two roads is in Nakanojo Town, so it is an important hub for a variety of people with a lot of traffic.

Buses are convenient for traveling to nearby areas! There are also many express buses to downtown Tokyo!

There is also a wide range of bus services available, with Kan’etsu Kotsu operating various routes within the town, and Nakanojo Town Municipal Buses operating from the Naganohara-Kusatsu Station exit, making daily transportation easy.
There is also a community bus operating, which is useful for the elderly to get around on a daily basis.

Agatsuma County, which includes Nakanojo Town, has many tourist destinations, so there are express bus routes to welcome tourists from the city center.
There are routes from Shinjuku Station to Kusatsu Onsen via Nakanojo Station, and from Tokyo Station to Shima Onsen, so the area has a wide range of transportation options to welcome tourists.

  • Nakanojo Station is a convenient station with access to the city center. There are many national highways, so it is also convenient for traveling by car to neighboring areas.

  • It is an inconvenient area if you don’t have a car. In winter, snow piles up, so having a car is essential.

  • How are the rent and land prices in Nakanojou Town?

    Nakanojo Town is a town with good living conditions and convenience, even in the mountainous area.

    Nakanojo Town in Gunma Prefecture has good transportation access and is at the same level of culture as large areas such as Takasaki City, so the real estate market conditions are also comparable to Takasaki City.
    Most of the town area of ​​Nakanojo Town in Gunma Prefecture is mountainous, and the residential area is concentrated in the area around Nakanojo Station in the southeastern part of Nakanojo Town.

    The average rental price for a 1LDK is about 50,000 yen, and for a 2DK it is about 60,000 yen.
    This is a relatively high price for these areas, which is a testament to the convenience and high standard of living.

    The average land price in Agatsuma County, which includes Nakanojo Town in Gunma Prefecture, is said to be around 24,000 yen per tsubo, but in Nakanojo Town, even if it’s just a 10-minute walk from the station, it will be around 85,000 yen per tsubo.

  • There are many rental properties in this area, so it is easy to find the property you want. Land prices are low, so this is a good area for those looking to build a custom home.

  • If you live in the Nakanojo area, the price is a little higher because of the convenient transportation. Since this is a car-oriented area, it is better to have parking for two or more cars.

    How is childcare and education in Nakanojou Town?

    Nakanojo Gardens

    Nakanojo Town is a town with an excellent natural and artistic environment that nurtures children.

    Nakanojo Town in Gunma Prefecture is blessed with abundant nature, providing an ideal environment for raising children in a healthy and nurturing way.
    Additionally, there are many tourist and leisure spots, ensuring a fun and fulfilling child-rearing experience.
    One such place is the beautifully landscaped ‘Nakanojo Gardens‘, where you can enjoy a space filled with seasonal flowers and plants. It offers many ideas for a rich lifestyle and helps cultivate children’s creativity.
    Furthermore, Nakanojo Town hosts the ‘Nakanojo Biennale‘, an international art festival held every year. It features exhibits from artists from both Japan and abroad, providing opportunities to interact with them. This enriches children’s cultural education as well.

    Nakanojo Town: A town with generous support for childbirth and child-rearing

    Nakanojo Town has established its own ‘Safe Childbirth Support Program,’ which provides financial assistance for up to 7 nights of accommodation, with a daily limit of 5,000 yen, for those who need to stay overnight while waiting for childbirth at medical institutions outside the town.
    This program is also applicable to the spouse, children, and parents of the expecting mother, making it a wonderful support system for families expecting a baby.
    Additionally, as a Childbirth Celebration Gift, 50,000 yen is provided for the first child, 200,000 yen for the second child, 300,000 yen for the third child, and 500,000 yen for the fourth and subsequent children.
    Nakanojo Town’s Medical Welfare Support System covers children up to the age of 18 (until March 31 of the year they turn 18), for both outpatient and inpatient care.
    Other active support measures include the ‘Infant Diaper Purchase Assistance,’ ‘Child Car Seat Purchase Subsidy Program,’ and ‘Nursery Fee Reduction and Subsidy,’ among others. For more details, please refer to this page.

  • There are mountains and rivers nearby, making it an environment rich in nature where you can raise your children freely. There are also hot spring towns and ski resorts nearby, making it an area with plenty of leisure activities.

  • There are few trains, so if children are going out alone they will need to be picked up and dropped off by car.

    How about shopping in Nakanojou Town?

    Yaoko Nakanojo store

    Nakanojo-cho is a convenient town with a variety of shopping spots

    Nakanojo Town in Gunma Prefecture offers a convenient shopping environment for daily needs. In addition to long-established local supermarkets, several large-scale stores have also opened, providing residents with a comfortable lifestyle through easy access to shopping facilities.

    Located near the intersection of National Routes 145 and 353 and close to Nakanojo Station, the Yaoko Nakanojo Store is popular among many locals.
    This is a multi-store shopping complex, and in addition to Yaoko, it houses other essential stores like Matsumoto Kiyoshi, Daiso, and more.
    Along the national highways, there are numerous other shops, ensuring that purchasing food and daily necessities is never a problem.

    Nakanojo Town in Gunma Prefecture is well-known for its rich natural environment and its specialty products, including local agricultural goods and pickles made from them.
    As a result, not only local residents but also many tourists visit local markets and stores to purchase these products.
    The town has two roadside stations: Michi-no-Eki Reizan Takeyama and Michi-no-Eki Roku-Go, which are frequented by both tourists and locals, ensuring a convenient shopping environment.
    Although Nakanojo Town may have the impression of being a rural area, it offers not only a wide variety of local specialty products but also many shops, providing residents with a comfortable environment for daily living.

  • Although it is a small town, there are plenty of supermarkets so you will have no trouble buying food and daily necessities. Also, it is easy to find fresh local produce at roadside stations.

  • There are no large shopping malls, so if you want to enjoy shopping, you will need to go to nearby areas.

  • How about jobs and recruitment in Nakanojou Town?

    Nakanojo Town: A town where you can find jobs in everything from tourism and leisure to commercial and accommodation facilities

    Nakanojo Town is an area that is characterized by its abundance of hot springs, including the Shima, Sawando, and Rokugo areas. You may also be able to find work in accommodation related to these hot springs.
    Canoeing and canyoning are also popular on the rivers and lakes, so you may also be able to find outdoor work.
    In addition, there are plenty of supermarkets and drugstores, so you may also find general customer service work, making this a town with a diverse range of industries.

    Nakanojou Town, Gunma’s unique subsidy/subsidy system

    Nakanojou Town, Gunma’s unique relocation assistance and relocation subsidy system

    Nakanojo Town Relocation Support Fund Migration experience housing

    Nakanojou Town, Gunma’s unique housing assistance and subsidy system

    Housing acquisition subsidy to promote permanent residence Vacant House Bank Housing renovation subsidy Marriage new life support subsidy Subsidies for installing residential renewable energy systems Wood stove assistance

    Nakanojou Town, Gunma’s unique childcare support system

    Birth gift money Child seat purchase assistance program Subsidy for purchasing baby diapers, etc. Safe childbirth support business Child Allowance and Special Benefit

    Nakanojou Town, Gunma’s unique system for further education and tuition assistance/subsidies

    Tuition support fee Town scholarships Special Needs Education Enrolment Incentive Subsidy Special Needs School Student Tuition Subsidy
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