Nanmoku Village, Gunma群馬県南牧村

Living in Nanmoku Village, Gunma

Mount Kurotaki

We have Summarized the livability of Nanmoku Village, Gunma.

What kind of place is Nanmoku Village, Gunma?

Hi to Boshi

Nanmoku Village is located in the westernmost part of Gunma Prefecture and belongs to Kanra District.
The area is surrounded by Shimonita Town from the north to the east, Kanna Town and Ueno Village to the south, and Saku City and Sakuho Town in Nagano Prefecture to the west.
The name Nanmoku Village is often mistaken because there is a village in Nagano Prefecture that is also written as “南牧村”, but it is called “Minamimaki” in Nagano Prefecture and “Nanmoku” in Gunma Prefecture, so it is called differently.
Nanmoku Village is said to have the highest aging rate in Japan.
The overwhelming majority of people are in their 60s to 80s, and conversely, there are quite few people in their teens and 20s.
Currently, the population of Nanmoku Village is about 1,500 people. (March 2022) Therefore, if this situation continues, the number of elderly people may decrease and the population may fall below 1,000.

Nanmoku Village is located in a mountainous area, with houses scattered along a prefectural road that crosses through the mountain valleys. A river flows alongside this national road, and depending on the season, it becomes lively with visitors coming for camping and barbecues. For those who enjoy nature and outdoor environments, it is a wonderful place. Additionally, there is the “Hi to Boshi” festival, one of the largest fire festivals in the Kanto region, which is designated as a national intangible folk cultural asset. During mid-August, when this festival is held, tourist accommodations in the surrounding area are often crowded with visitors.

PR video of Nanmoku Village, Gunma

The fire of Ohinata

We made a promotional video for the village with the highest aging rate in Japan!

How is the traffic situation in Nanmoku Village?

Prefectural Route 93

Private cars required! Snow driving precautions needed in Nanmoku Village.

There are no trains in Nanmoku Village. If you take the train, the nearest station is Shimonita Station on the Joshin Dentetsu Line in Shimonita Town.
To get to Shimonita Station, you can either use your own car or take the Nanmoku bus that runs through the town.
The Nanmoku bus only runs 9 times a day at most, so it may be a bit inconvenient.

Nanmoku Village has a prefectural road running through the mountains, so if you own a car you won’t have any problems with transportation.
However, Nanmoku Village does get a fair amount of snow, so you’ll need to take precautions against snow, such as a four-wheel drive vehicle and studless tires.
You can access Saku City in Nagano Prefecture by taking Prefectural Route 93, Shimonita-Usuda Line, so it’s very convenient for traveling to and from Nagano Prefecture.

  • There is a bus that runs to Shimonita Station. There is little traffic, so there is no congestion.

  • There is no train service in this area, so a car is essential. In winter, snow accumulates, so you will need to prepare for snowfall, such as with chains or studless tires.

  • How are the rent and land prices in Nanmoku Village?

    Nanmoku Village Chihara area

    Nanmoku Village: A town with a unique mountain area landscape

    There are no condominiums or apartments for rent in Nanmoku Village that can be brokered through a real estate agency.
    However, you may find rental detached houses on old house banks.
    It is also difficult to find newly built detached houses, used detached houses, and land.
    As such, we recommend checking Nanmoku Village’s old house banks as well as rental properties.

  • The average housing prices, including rent, are relatively low in this area, so the financial burden of living related to housing is low. As the town is located at a high altitude, it is an ideal place for those who wish to live in the mountains.

  • There are few properties available, and it is difficult to find the right home, especially for rent. There is a lot of snow in the winter, so those considering settling here should be prepared for the adverse effects of winter.

    How is childcare and education in Nanmoku Village?

    Cicada Valley

    Nanmoku Village is a town filled with nature and where you can enjoy outdoor activities with your children.

    Nanmoku Village is close to mountains and rivers, making it an environment in which children can grow up rich and strong.
    In an environment full of nature, children will be able to develop sensibilities that cannot be found in the city.

    Nanmoku Village has only one nursery school and no kindergartens. There is one elementary school and one junior high school, but no high school. Therefore, students need to attend high school in neighboring municipalities.
    Nanmoku Village offers support for high school students through its High School Commuter Support program, which includes entrance support and commuting cost subsidies.
    Although the number of students in the village is small due to the low number of children, it is a good place for those who want a relaxed educational environment.

    Nanmoku Village provides a Child Medical Expense Assistance Program for children up to 18 years old who are enrolled in health insurance, covering part of the co-payment for insured medical services. Unlike many other municipalities where assistance is limited to middle school students, Nanmoku Village offers generous support to families with children.
    Additionally, the Single-Parent Household Medical Expense Support System provides subsidies for a portion of medical costs based on insurance for children up to 18 years old (until March 31 after reaching 18) in single-parent families.

  • Surrounded by mountains, it is an environment rich in nature where you can raise your children freely. The area is proactive in supporting the child-rearing generation, offering wedding and childbirth gifts, etc.

  • There are no trains, so if children go out alone, they will need to be picked up and dropped off by car.

    How about shopping in Nanmoku Village?

    Roadside Station Oasis Nanmoku

    Nanmoku Village does not have large supermarkets.
    For shopping, there is the Michi-no-Eki Oasis Nanmoku, where you can purchase locally grown vegetables, fruits, and processed products.
    However, Nanmoku Village does have privately operated cafes and bakery shops that are trying to revitalize the village as new attractions.

    If you plan to settle in Nanmoku Village and enjoy shopping, you will need to go outside the village.
    You would need to access nearby areas such as Saku City in Nagano Prefecture or Tomioka City and Shimonita Town in Gunma Prefecture.

  • You can do some special shopping at the roadside station, such as buying local specialties. There are also privately owned shops, so you can buy groceries within the village.

  • There are no large or medium-sized supermarkets in the village, so if you want to enjoy shopping you will have to go to other areas.

  • How about jobs and recruitment in Nanmoku Village?

    Nanmoku Village: A town with forest-related jobs

    Unlike other areas, Nanmoku Village has few commercial facilities and restaurants, so it may be difficult to find jobs in those fields.
    Because it is a mountainous area, forestry and other jobs are prominent, and it is an area where you can find unusual jobs that you won’t find in other areas.

    Nanmoku Village, Gunma’s unique subsidy/subsidy system

    Nanmoku Village, Gunma’s unique relocation assistance and relocation subsidy system

    Marriage gift/relocation subsidy/settlement promotion subsidy

    Nanmoku Village, Gunma’s unique housing assistance and subsidy system

    Subsidy for new construction and expansion Renovation and repair subsidy Subsidy to promote permanent residence

    Nanmoku Village, Gunma’s unique childcare support system

    Marriage and birth gifts

    Nanmoku Village, Gunma’s unique system for further education and tuition assistance/subsidies

    Support for students attending high school, etc. Transfer incentives
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  • Living in Nanmoku Village, Gunma(群馬県南牧村で暮らす。)