Simonita Town, Gunma群馬県下仁田町

Living in Simonita Town, Gunma

Mount Arafune

We have Summarized the livability of Simonita Town, Gunma.

What kind of place is Simonita Town, Gunma?

Shimonita onion field

Shimonita Town is located in the southwest of Gunma Prefecture, and is bordered by Annaka City to the northeast, Tomioka City and Kanra Town to the east, Fujioka City, Kanna Town and Minamimaki Village to the south, and Saku City and Karuizawa Town, Nagano Prefecture, to the west, making it a town adjacent to Nagano Prefecture.
Shimonita Town is surrounded by high mountains. The population is concentrated in the plains, with a population of around 6,200 people, and has been declining in recent years.

Mt. Arafune, one of the 100 famous mountains in Japan, has exposed rocks and creates a fantastical worldview.
Other than that, there is Mt. Myogi, which straddles Annaka City, and the area is bustling with tourists who come to climb mountains and hike.

Shimonita Town has a very long history, and Paleolithic ruins have been discovered there.
The reason such ruins have been excavated in this area is that what is now the Kanto Plain was once under the sea.
The only way to survive was to live in places like Shimonita Town, which is slightly higher in altitude, and the ruins of the people who lived there can still be seen today.

Specialties of Shimonita Town include Shimonita green onions and konnyaku.
Shimonita green onions are grown in various places as a branded onion, but as they originated here, you can taste authentic Shimonita green onions grown in Shimonita.
This area has also long been famous for cultivating konnyaku, and a lot of konnyaku is still grown today. Konnyaku is also a popular agricultural product that is a speciality of Shimonita Town.

PR video of Simonita Town, Gunma

Promotional movie for migrating and settling in Shimonita Town, Gunma Prefecture: “People and Townscapes”

Promotional movie for migrating and settling in Shimonita Town, Gunma Prefecture: “Going to the hospital, going to school, morning scenes”

Promotional movie for migrating and settling in Shimonita Town, Gunma Prefecture: “Shopping, Pick-up, and Evening Scenery”

How is the traffic situation in Simonita Town?

Shimonita Station

Travelling by car is more convenient than by train! Shimonita Town is a town with easy access to both Tokyo and Kansai.

The railway that runs through Shimonita Town is Shimonita Station on the Joshin Dentetsu Joshin Line, which is the terminal station of the Joshin Line. The Joshin Line runs to Takasaki Station, which can be reached in about an hour.

The main road for cars is National Route 254, which crosses Shimonita from east to west, connecting Gunma Prefecture and Nagano Prefecture.
The Joshinetsu Expressway also passes through the town, and with the Shimonita Interchange, it is very convenient to get on the highway from Shimonita to Nagano, Saitama, and Tokyo.
By the way, it takes about an hour and a half to get to Tokyo, but there are often traffic jams and it often takes longer than that.

In Shimonita Town, there is a town-operated bus service called the ‘Shimonita Bus.’ The adult fare is 200 yen, and you can travel between the various stops within the town. Preschool children, elementary, middle, and high school students, those aged 70 and over, and those who have voluntarily returned their driver’s license can ride for free.
Additionally, the Shimonita Roadside Station serves as a stop for the highway bus operated by Chikuma Bus, providing access to destinations such as Shinjuku and Ikebukuro in Tokyo, and Kyoto in the Kansai region.

  • Shimonita Station is the starting point for the Joshin Dentetsu Line, so people commuting to Takasaki Station are sure to get a seat on the train.There is a direct express bus to Ikebukuro Station, making it convenient for getting into Tokyo.

  • There are trains, but they run infrequently, so it is more convenient to travel by car.

  • How are the rent and land prices in Simonita Town?

    Around Shimonita Station

    Shimonita Town is close to Nagano Prefecture and the center of the Kanto region.

    In Shimonita, Gunma Prefecture, you can find a 1LDK or 2LDK apartment for less than 50,000 yen.
    However, there are only a few properties, so you don’t have many options.

    The average land price in Kanra County, Gunma Prefecture, where Shimonita Town is located, is about 48,000 yen per tsubo. As a mountainous area, the transportation network by train, car, and bus is more convenient than in other mountainous areas, so the average price is slightly higher.

  • The average housing prices, including rent, are relatively low compared to areas in the central part of the prefecture, meaning that housing-related financial burdens in this area are minimal.

  • Since this is a car-oriented area, it is safer to have parking spaces or garages for two or more cars.

    How is childcare and education in Simonita Town?

    The Milky Way from Dohirakawa Dam

    Shimonita Town is a town rich in nature and also puts effort into cutting-edge environmental education.

    Shimonita Town is rich in nature, being close to mountains and rivers, making it a great area for outdoor activities and leisure that will never get boring.
    Shimonita Town has been designated as the ‘Shimonita Geopark‘ by the Japanese Geoparks Network.
    A Geopark is a unified area where landscapes of geological significance are managed through an integrated approach that includes conservation, education, and sustainable development.
    It is one of only seven precious Geoparks in the Kanto region, offering programs such as exploration workshops and wildlife observation events where children can learn while having fun.

    In Shimonita Town, a ‘Childbirth Celebration Grant’ of 300,000 yen is provided for the first child after birth.
    Additionally, Shimonita Town offers ‘Welfare Medical Services’ to children under the age of 18 who are enrolled in health insurance, covering the out-of-pocket costs for insured medical treatments.

  • The area is rich in nature, has many festivals and events throughout the town, and is an environment where you can raise your children in a relaxed and secure environment. The area actively offers support for the child-rearing generation, such as childbirth congratulations and children’s medical expenses.

  • There are few trains, so if children are going out alone they will need to be picked up and dropped off by car.

    How about shopping in Simonita Town?

    Shimonita Roadside Station

    Shimonita Town: A town where fresh agricultural products are easily available

    In Shimonita Town, there are roadside stations and local shops where you can purchase fresh agricultural products, as they handle locally grown vegetables.
    At the ‘Shimonita Konjac Tourism Center,’ which is aimed at tourists, you can buy specialty products such as konjac and Shimonita green onions.

    Additionally, the supermarket ‘A-Coop Shimonita Store‘ and the drugstore ‘Welcia Shimonita Store‘ are located near the station and are frequently used by many town residents.

  • There are supermarkets so you won’t have any trouble buying food and daily necessities, and there are roadside stations well-stocked so you can always get fresh food.

  • There are no large shopping malls, so if you want to enjoy shopping for fashion or miscellaneous goods, you will need to go to a nearby area.

  • How about jobs and recruitment in Simonita Town?

    Shimonita Town: A town with a thriving forestry industry

    Shimonita Town is a vibrant area known for its agricultural and forestry industries, characteristic of its mountainous region. In Shimonita, which is renowned for its konjac, there are also businesses involved in the production of konjac food products. Additionally, Shimonita offers a hands-on experience in konjac production at the ‘Konjac Handmade Workshop,’ where visitors can try their hand at making konjac.

    Simonita Town, Gunma’s unique subsidy/subsidy system

    Simonita Town, Gunma’s unique relocation assistance and relocation subsidy system

    Migration Promotion Subsidy System Wedding gift money

    Simonita Town, Gunma’s unique housing assistance and subsidy system

    Vacant House Bank Subsidy for supporting the utilization of vacant houses, etc. Dispatch of wooden house earthquake resistance diagnosticians Earthquake-proofing renovation of wooden houses

    Simonita Town, Gunma’s unique childcare support system

    Birth gift money Admission gift Marriage and New Life Support Program Childcare support activities at nursery schools and kindergartens Free childcare fees

    Simonita Town, Gunma’s unique system for further education and tuition assistance/subsidies

    Negi and Konnyaku Shimonita Scholarship Program
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