Kanra Town, Gunma群馬県甘楽町

Living in Kanra Town, Gunma

Leshan Garden/Kunming Pond

We have Summarized the livability of Kanra Town, Gunma.

What kind of place is Kanra Town, Gunma?

Kanra Comprehensive Park/Kanra DE Umbrella Sky

Kanra-cho: A town rich in nature and history, where the atmosphere of a castle town remains

Located in the southwestern part of Gunma Prefecture, Kanra Town is part of Kanra District.
It is bordered by Tomioka City to the north, Shimonita Town to the west, Fujioka City to the south, and Takasaki City to the east.
The population is approximately 12,000, with about 4,900 households (as of April 2022).

Kanra Town is characterized by its long, narrow shape stretching from the mid-slopes of Inakuhiyama to the northern foothills.
The urban area is located in the northern part at the foothills, where national roads and railways run. The southern area in the mid-slope is rich in nature, surrounded by mountains and rivers.

The central area of Kanra, known as Obata, was originally a castle town of the Obata Domain and is home to notable sites such as the nationally designated scenic spot Rakuzan-en and the water source selected as one of Japan’s top 100, Ougawa-zeki, making it a tourist attraction.

PR video of Kanra Town, Gunma

Spring scenery at Rakuzanen (Kanra Town, Gunma Prefecture)

Spring sightseeing spots (Kanra Town, Gunma Prefecture)

How is the traffic situation in Kanra Town?

Joshu Fukushima Station

Kanra Town is a town with convenient transportation, and in the future, the Kanra Smart Interchange will be built.

To the north of Kanra Town, the Jōshin Electric Railway runs east-west.
There are two stations: Jōsui Shinya Station and Jōsui Fukushima Station, with access from Jōsui Fukushima Station to Takasaki Station taking about 30 minutes. Jōsui Fukushima Station has more users, but following its renovation in August 2022, there are expectations for an increase in users at Jōsui Shinya Station as well.

Kanra Town offers a reservation-based demand taxi service called Ai no Ri-kun, which operates on a schedule. The taxi picks up users from their homes or designated nearby locations, allowing for shared rides to their destinations.

The main roads in Kanra Town include National Route 254, which runs parallel to the Jōshin Electric Railway, serving as vital pathways for residents.
The Jōetsu Expressway also passes through Kanra Town, with the Kanra Parking Area available. While there is no interchange, access to the Jōetsu Expressway can be made from the Tomioka IC located in the adjacent Tomioka City.
Currently, a smart interchange called Kanra PA Smart Interchange is planned to connect to the Kanra Parking Area, transforming the town into a more convenient place with expressway access in the future.

  • There is also a train line, making it easy to access neighboring areas by train or car.

  • As trains run infrequently, it is more convenient to live by car.

  • How are the rent and land prices in Kanra Town?

    Okawa Weir/Sericulture farm street

    Kanracho is a town that is expected to transform into an area with convenient transportation.

    The average rent for apartments and condominiums in Kanra Town (as of September 2022) is approximately 56,000 yen.
    This area has a relatively good supply of rental properties, including nationwide one-room apartments.
    Breaking it down by room type, the average rent for a 1R to 1K is about 45,000 yen, for a 1DK to 2DK it is around 55,000 yen, and even for larger 2LDK to 3DK units, it is about 60,000 yen. With a budget of 60,000 yen, you should be able to find a decent property.

    The average land price in Kanra Town (as of September 2022) is about 55,000 yen per tsubo.
    The area around Jōsui Fukushima is priced at 74,000 yen per tsubo, while the area around Jōsui Shinya is at 64,000 yen per tsubo.
    With plans for improved transportation networks, including the opening of expressway interchanges, an increase in housing and land prices is anticipated in the future.

  • The average housing prices, including rent, are relatively low compared to areas in the central part of the prefecture, meaning that housing-related financial burdens in this area are minimal.

  • Since this is a car-oriented area, it is safer to have parking spaces or garages for two or more cars.

    How is childcare and education in Kanra Town?

    Kabura River/Hoshida Bridge

    Kanra Town: A town that provides generous support to immigrants and those raising children

    Kanra Town has one nursery school, three kindergartens, three elementary schools, and one junior high school, but no high school.
    It is a rich natural area with mountains and rivers nearby, as well as historical spots, providing an excellent environment for raising children.

    Kanra Town offers a “Marriage New Life Support Subsidy” that provides up to 300,000 yen per household for newlywed couples who purchase, renovate, or rent a home in the town.
    Additionally, there is a “Town Development Settlement Support Fund” that grants 70,000 yen to those who build or purchase new homes in Kanra Town.
    Furthermore, Kanra Town provides a “Birth Celebration Fund”, offering 50,000 yen for each child born.

    For children up to 18 years old who are enrolled in health insurance, Kanra Town has a “Children’s Medical Expense Assistance Program”, which subsidizes the out-of-pocket costs for insured medical treatments.

  • The rural landscape and natural surroundings make it a safe and relaxed environment to raise your children.

  • If children go out alone, they will need to be picked up and dropped off by car. There are areas with few street lights, so be careful when children are walking around at night.

    How about shopping in Kanra Town?

    Konnyaku Park

    Kanracho: A town with a shopping mall and a konnyaku theme park

    In Kanra Town, shopping for daily necessities and food can be done at the shopping mall along Route 254, the Tomioka Bypass.
    This mall features numerous stores, including Beisia and Cainz, making it a very convenient destination that attracts many visitors from other areas.

    Additionally, Kanra Town is home to the konnyaku-themed park, Konnyaku Park.
    Operated by Yokoo Daily Foods Co., Ltd., the park offers factory tours and meals featuring creatively prepared konnyaku, making it a popular attraction in Kanra Town.

  • Although it is a small town, there are many shopping spots so you will have no trouble buying food and daily necessities.

  • 大型ショッピングモールなどは存在しませんので、ファッションや雑貨などショッピングを楽しむ場合は近隣のエリアまで出かける必要があります。

    There are no large shopping malls, so if you want to enjoy shopping for fashion or miscellaneous goods, you will need to go to a nearby area.
  • How about jobs and recruitment in Kanra Town?

    Kanracho: A town where commerce, industry, nature and people coexist

    Kanra Town has shopping malls, convenience stores, restaurants, and other businesses, and you can find job openings for store staff and other positions.
    In addition, because the expressway runs through the town, there are many factories, and you can find job openings for manufacturing, transportation, and simple part-time work.
    With the Kanra PA Smart Interchange currently underway in Kanra Town, we can expect to see an upswing in the number of companies moving into and attracting them to the town.

    Kanra Town, Gunma’s unique subsidy/subsidy system

    Kanra Town, Gunma’s unique relocation assistance and relocation subsidy system

    Town Development and Settlement Support Fund

    Kanra Town, Gunma’s unique housing assistance and subsidy system

    Town Development Settlement Support Fund Vacant House Bank Vacant House Renovation Subsidy Wooden House Earthquake Resistance Renovation Subsidy Wooden House Earthquake Resistance Diagnosis Subsidy Subsidy for Installation of Earthquake Shelters for Wooden Houses

    Kanra Town, Gunma’s unique childcare support system

    Birth gift money

    Kanra Town, Gunma’s unique system for further education and tuition assistance/subsidies

    Scholarship repayment support grant (Kanra Future Human Resources Support Project)
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